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Chandelier of beads

project: Residentalhouse.

location: the Netherlands

specifications: Ø10,2in x h50,1in

date: 2012


For a residentalhouse Muurbloem made a variant design of the Chandelier of beads. Together with the Eames the Chandelier of Beads makes a well balanced impression.




Chandelier of beads

project: Remmelt custom made interiors

location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands

specification: Ø13,7in x h51,1in

date: 2011


Facility of Remmelt costom made interior and studio in Amsterdam. In addition to the collection of Boffi, Muurbloem also facilitated interior design with our collection of lighting and wallfashion in their luxorious building on the corner of the well known P.C. Hooftstraat.




Chandelier of beads XL special

project: Residentalhouse, de Bilt

location: de Bilt, the Netherlands

specification: Ø10,2in x h196,8in

date: 2015


Muurbloem design studio designed a longer variant of the Chandelier of Beads on request of the client. The lenght of the lighting desing makes it perfect for higher open spaces.



Chandelier of Beads

project: Residentalhouse

location: the Netherlands

specification: Ø10,2in x h51,1in

date: 2013


Muurbloem design studio designed this long variant of the Chandelier of Beads. The red color of the lightingdesign matches well witht eh Muurbloem Wallfashion collection Senses Smell.




Chandelier of beads

project: Biennale Interieur, Kortrijk

location: Kortrijk, Belgium

specification: Ø13,7in x h51,1in / Ø10,2in x h59,0in

date: 2011


The Biënnale Interior Event Kortrijk is the leading international design-biënnale for everyday design. On this event Muurbloem presented its collection of "Chanderier of beads".